Mis Fantasmas Favoritos

Citas de Frank Layden

Sobre su etapa universitaria: “I wasn't the greatest high school student. When it came time to go to college, I had to take the caramel test. That's where the admissions director leaves the room but also leaves a caramel on the desk. If you reach over to take the caramel and eat it after removing the paper, you get an academic scholarship. If you chew it with the paper on, you get an athletic grant - like I did.”

Sobre su primer título de división, que coincidió con el de los Cubs: "It was the year of the underdog. If World War III had broken out, Norway would have won."

Sobre Pat Riley: "We're both good-looking and we're both Irish. The only difference I can see is that he buys his clothes and I find mine."

Sobre los comienzos de la franquicia:

"When I came here people asked, 'How long will it take to win?' My answer was, 'It'll take seven years.' People said, 'Seven years! The good Lord made the world in seven days!' I said, 'Yeah, but you don't want a team that's in the shape the world's in.' "

"We may not be able to get anyone to come see us because we're going to win, but we can get them to come because they like us."

"The Jazz are America's team... the Americans just don't know it yet."

Sobre jugadores:

"His life was a series of trials... but no convictions."

"They say he is still adjusting to the NBA. I figure it takes three years just to find out when the planes leave."

"He didn't have a very good college career. But it was the best seven years of his life."

"I didn't know if he was a player. He looked like a player. I figured he would look good in the team picture. After all, we've got a coach who desn't look like a coach."

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